Dr. Jorgensen's June Highlights

May 22, 2020

Highland Highlights

The Administrative meetings for the Highland Community School District have been very interesting lately to say the least.  The amount of information that the team is trying to cover is massive with little or no frame of reference to draw upon.  What will the 2020-2021 school year look like, what rules may or may not be in place and how does the school district make plans to accommodate state health guidelines that might be put in place?  

 It is unknown as of this writing if school will be held in person or on-line at the start of the year.  There are some colleges and universities outside of Iowa who have already announced their plans to start the year on-line.   The school districts in Iowa are working feverishly on devising plans with many options for the start of the year.  It is unclear as to when a final decision may come from the state.  Here are a list of some of the uncertainties.

Funding:  Prior to shutting down the legislative session, a growth figure had been approved for the schools.  Obviously with the lack of state revenues and sales due to the pandemic, when the legislature reconvenes in June, that could be revoked.  There is also discussion that an across the board cut of state funded programming will be implemented as well.   Schools have already passed and approved budgets for next year that may need to be modified based on what the legislature decides. 

Social distancing:  The assumption is that schools will begin again in person in the Fall.  However, there is a further assumption that social distancing guidelines may be in place.  One of those guidelines is classrooms at 50%.  What does that mean?  It would be nice if you had the money to double your teaching staff and have enough classrooms to cut class sizes in half.  That is not feasible .  So you either implement an every other day schedule for students or a morning/afternoon shift for students.  What about passing times?  Do you stagger times kids are in the hallways?  What about lunch?  Do you eat in the classroom or have to go lunches as kids leave and/or arrive in half day shifts?  How do you handle transportation?   Every other seat for kids?  Can you social distance kids during recess and how?

Activities:  How do you practice social distancing in Football, Marching Band, Cross Country, Volleyball or vocal?   Do you allow fans in the stands?  If yes, how do you enforce social distancing?  Keep in mind that these discussions don’t include baseball and softball for this summer which as of this writing have not been decided upon.

Vaccines:   If and when a vaccine is developed, do you require all student to have it prior to being readmitted to the school?  I read recently that as many as 30% of the population state they won’t take the vaccine even when it is offered.   I’m not sure I can relate as to the reason why, but does this become a part of the same requirements that schools enforce with other vaccinations?

These are only a few of the topics for discussion.  So many questions with very few definitive answers.   School administrators are working very hard on developing plans with several options depending upon what is decided on the state level.   Unprecedented for sure, but I can assure you that the Highland CSD administrative team is working hard on addressing these questions.  They are using scientific data and working closely with other districts to be consistent in the decisions that will be made.

Let me make it clear that this is all contingency planning   Lots of discussion and very few answers yet, though plans will be developed and in place prior to the start of the year.   There is no experience to draw upon from the past.   There is so much uncertainty.   The hope is that things will be normal while the reality is that there are probably going to be some changes.

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