Highland Receivces Aerospace Grant from Air Force / Rolls Royce

Dr. Mike Jorgensen · February 22, 2019

The first in the state of Iowa Aerospace Engineering course offered by the Highland Community School District received additional support from the Air Force Association and Platinum Sponsor Rolls Royce. A grant of $500 was awarded to the district to continue to expand upon providing educational opportunities for America's youth. The district plans to use the fund to develop an 8th grade learning module to introduce them to the program. The Air Force Association applauded the district in their efforts to ensure future generations of Americans appreciate the important role of STEM education in America's future.

Highland is in the first year of implementation of the Advanced Career Aerospace Engineering curriculum. The program is team taught by Tim Surine and Brian Haymond. The goal of the district is to add a course each year over the next four years to have the comprehensive program in place that is articulated with Auburn University. The district is also seeking the opportunity to partner with the University of Iowa School of Engineering. The cost of the equipment required for this course was made possible through a grant awarded through the Washington County Riverboat Foundation. 

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