SIAC Committee Update

Highland SIAC Committee · November 15, 2017

On Monday, November 6th, the SIAC Committee met in the High School Cafeteria to discuss questions, comments, and concerns regarding the movement of 5th Grade to the Middle School or keeping the students at the current Highland Elementary building. The administrators presented different facts about enrollment, challenges of each site, and general thoughts. No decision was made. The administration will continue to investigate potential issues with building capacities and space.

The public is invited to continue being involved in this discussion.  In order to contribute to the discussion, a Padlet has been created to post any questions, comments, or concerns about this issue.  All postings will be anonymous, so feel free to share your thought freely. 

Below is a link to the information shared at the SIAC Committee Meeting regarding the placement of 5th Grade.

Facilities Considerations


In order to post to the Padlet, follow the link below:

Padlet: Community Questions and Ideas Regarding Buildings

The Padlet does not require a username or password in order to share your thoughts. To post a comment, simply follow the link, click on the plus sign at the bottom righthand corner of the Padlet and type your comments. The SIAC Committee and administration will be checking the Padlet periodically as they are investigating further factors in this process and decision. Please feel free to post as often and as much as you would like.

Thank you for helping by sharing your questions, concerns, and comments. The SIAC Committee will meet again around February to continue this discussion, and all patrons are welcome to attend. If interested in becoming a SIAC member, please contact Dr. Jorgensen at

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