School Store Started at Highland Elementary
January 18, 2018
With $250 of support from the ESO (Elementary Support Organization), Johannah Vittetoe has started a school store in Highland Elementary in Riverside. Vittetoe, a first year teacher of 5th grade in the building, has her students operate the store from 8:00-8:30 AM on Tuesday through Thursday mornings. Proceeds from sales are used to restock supplies and to support efforts for other programming and supplies for students. Items included in the store include things like pencils and erasers. All items are under $1.25 in cost.
What was the response when the store opened? All items sold out within the first week. Ms. Vittetoe believes that it not only teaches students about the value of money, but that students also gain socially from the experience of interacting in a commercial setting. Students learn about pricing of products, reinvestment and customer relationships. The Highland CSD is very appreciative of the opportunity provided by the ESO. Student-Based Enterprises are excellent opportunities for students to get hands-on experiences to real life situations. The Elementary Support Organization is a group of parents whose students attend Highland CSD and are working to support the district and the elementary school in particular.