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Highland FFA Conducts Banquet

August 16, 2018

Highland FFA held its first annual Parent/Member Banquet July 31st in the Steinbeck Conference Hall at Marr Park. Eleven members, their families and FFA supporters joined to recognize this year’s achievements. Chapter President James Colbert welcomed attendees and an invocation was given by Sentinel Thomas Rittenmeyer. Opening Ceremony was performed by chapter officers. A potluck meal was served featuring pork loin prepared by Vice-President Bryce Waters.

Highland FFA is proud to honor members of the community who have supported the chapter with the Honorary Chapter Degree. This year’s recipients were Mr. Brian Wood from Vision Ag, for his contributions with the FFA Land lab, Ms. Angela Hazelett, Principal for her support and patience in getting the FFA Chapter off the ground and Dr. Mike Jorgensen, who was instrumental in starting the program and his support of Agricultural Education.

The chapter welcomed new Co-Advisor, Cassi Montandon. Ms. Montandon is excited to start the new year and looking forward to working with chapter members. Current FFA Advisor, Duane Van Winkle expressed his gratitude for the welcoming and support the program has received from the administration, parents and community in starting a new Agricultural Education Department and FFA Chapter.

The Star Greenhand is awarded to the student who has risen to the top of his or her class and excelled in leadership, citizenship and developed a strong work ethic. This year’s Star Greenhand was Isaac Black. James Colbert was honored as Dekalb Agricultural Achievement Award recipient. Highland FFA members were presented with certificates for excellence in their participation in leadership FFA activities. A slide show presentation prepared by Co-Reporters, Ellie Anderson and Jenna Sands documented the year’s activities. The conclusion of the banquet was the installation of the 2018-2019 Highland FFA Officer Team. Next year’s officers include: John “Jack” Baker, President; Bryce Waters, Vice-president; Taylor Sublette, Secretary; Ellie Anderson, Treasurer; Jenna Sands and Madison Thomann, Co-Reporters; Isaac Black, Sentinel.

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