Spring Parent/Teacher Conference Invitation Letter

Principal Hazelett · January 9, 2019

Hello Highland High School Parents!

The staff of Highland High School would like to invite you to the Spring 2019 parent-teacher conferences.  This Spring conferences will be a little different this year. At our last School Improvement Action Committee (SIAC), several parents expressed concerns about how they would like to be more involved in their students’ course requests.  

So in response to those concerns, we have structured high school conferences to have two components: the traditional open house format, and a 30-minute conference for parents to meet with their student’s Huskie Time teacher to make course requests for the 2019-2020 school year.  Your student’s Huskie Time teacher will be contacting you to set up an appointment. The appointment times will be from 4PM-8PM on Tuesday February 12, 2019 and from 4PM-6PM on Thursday February 14, 2019. The open house time to meet with teachers will be from 6PM-8PM on Thursday February 14, 2019.  

In the fall, Huskie Time teachers met with their students to set goals both short and long term.  Teachers will be sharing those goal-setting responses with you. They will also be helping you and your student submit course requests for the upcoming school year.

The Huskie Time teachers will be contacting you soon to make an appointment.  We hope that you will make time to come in with your student. If you have any questions please contact your student’s Huskie Time teacher.

Go Huskies!

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