Highland FFA 2021 Year in Review

Written By Highland FFA Reporter, Maddie Peiffer · February 11, 2022
Highland FFA has done a lot of new and exciting things throughout the 2021 school year. We started off the year with Sub-Districts Leadership speaking contests, FFA Week, Staff Breakfast and Ag Olympics.
Each year, during FFA week, Highland does a staff breakfast to create a healthy lifestyle for our teachers and staff in order to start their morning off right. Our staff at Highland does so much for our members and the students at the school. At Sub-Districts, 28 students attended and participated in contests. One contest was Parliamentary Procedure, which consisted of Jenna Sands, Taylor Sublette, Jamison Kasparek, Katelyn Waters and Jenna Waters. This team moved on to compete in the Districts contest in March. Issac Black also made it to Districts in Extemporaneous Speaking contest along with Mackinze Hora who did a Prepared Public Speech about Farming Hardships.
Every year, we end FFA Week with the Ag Olympics. Students get to relax and have fun while competing in fun agriculture-related events.
In March, the Highland FFA officer team got to attend the cattlemen banquet. They helped clean up after the meal and helped pass out dessert. Also in March, the Highland FFA sent 11 kids to the District FFA Convention. Another event in March was the first annual spring clothing drive. We donated clothes to the salvation army.
In April, Highland sent 13 kids to the State FFA Convention. The Marketing Plan team consisted of Katelyn Waters, Mackenzie Hora and Jamison Kasparek. This team placed first at the state contest and moved on to the National FFA Convention in October to compete where they made it to the quarterfinal round. While at the State FFA Convention, Maddie Peiffer received her Iowa FFA Degree, the highest degree the state of Iowa can bestow on its members.
May was another busy month for the Highland FFA. We had the 5th Annual Farm Safety Day at Highland Elementary School. Members brought their animals and equipment to the elementary school and taught kids how to be around them safely.
We planted our 13 acre test plot in June. We planted 17 different types of soybeans to see what kind best grows with the given soil type. In June, the Highland FFA, tried something new and entered into the Washington County Farm Tough Challenge where they ran and crawled through mud and over hay bales and through the barns.
July brought the Washington County Fair. Dakota Longbine and Jenna Waters showed pigs and got first in their class. Kerra Longbine got second in her class showing sheep. Katelyn Waters placed first in two classes and won senior showmanship with her sheep. Maddie Peiffer won senior showmanship with her poultry.
From August to December, the Highland FFA sent members to the National FFA Convention, competed in the State Dairy Foods and Cattle Evaluation contests, and attended Greenhand Leadership workshops along with COLT.